An Outhouse Near Gourdneck, Arkansas

Gourdneck, Arkansas Outhouse
An Outhouse near Gourdneck, Arkansas
Photo by J. Bennett
An Outhouse near Gourdneck, Arkansas
An Outhouse near Gourdneck, Arkansas
Photo by J. Bennett
    The photos above are of a 2 seater native red cedar and rock foundation Outhouse that the contributor and his brother Richard built in 1996 on the land he currently lives on in Gourdneck, Arkansas. Gourdneck is about 20 miles east of Hot Springs, Arkansas. He wanted the Outhouse built to remind him of the days of his youth when this was all they had, only the Outhouse he used to use wasn't nearly in this good of shape.
    The one of his youth had cracks between the boards and rusty tin on the roof and part of the door. His 3 brothers always had fun waiting for their sister to enter the Outhouse so they could chunk rocks at the tin on the front door making a gosh-awful banging that would deafen anyone. That all came to an abrupt halt one day when they thought their sister had entered the Outhouse. When they started chunking rocks at the door tin, their Aunt Ruby, who was visiting their mother that day, came flying out of the door pulling up her drawers and threatening to beat anyone she caught within an inch of their lives. She didn't, but their mom and dad sure did.
    There are many other stories to tell of such as wasps, snakes, 4th of July firecrackers, digging a clean out pit, smoking, wiping the snow off the seat, and the like. These memories are the reason he built this new Outhouse. In the winter he can bundle up and make the trip down the driveway to sit in peace and quiet and remember how it all use to be...and to remind him to be more thankful of the luxuries he now has.

  What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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