Really Nice "Feminine" Outhouse near Au Gres, Michigan
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Really Nice Outhouse with a Metal Roof
An Exceptional Feminine Outhouse
Photo Taken by John L (the Outhouses of America Tour Curator)
Really Nice Outhouse with a Metal Roof
An Exceptional Feminine Outhouse
Photo Taken by John L (the Outhouses of America Tour Curator)
Unique Outhouse Toilet Paper Holder
An Exceptional Feminine Outhouse
Photo Taken by John L (the Outhouses of America Tour Curator)
Back of Outhouse
An Exceptional Feminine Outhouse
Photo Taken by John L (the Outhouses of America Tour Curator)
    Went up to the Hunting Land near Au Gres, Michigan to do some work and took a drive around the area. We took some back roads and in the middle of nowhere we drove be a nice house and it was then that I spotted one of the nicest outhouses I have ever seen. If you own this outhouse, please contact me with the history of this great looking outhouse. I'm sorry for coming through your gate (it had signs to keep out) but I just could not pass up the chance to take some pictures. I hope you understand.
    This one had a very unique toilet paper holder OUTSIDe the front door. I couldn't tell what they would do with it if it rained but it was nice just the same. I can only imagine that this belongs to a lady and I don't know if it is functional but let me tell you, it was spotless outside and the colors were so bright, I could only smile. I hope you enjoy this outhouse as much as I did.

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This Page was created on July 1, 2012