Harbor Springs, Michigan Outhouses

Harbor Springs, Michigan Outhouse
Harbor Springs, Michigan Outhouse
Photo by R. Loose
Used by permission
Notice the Unusual Vent in this Outhouse
Harbor Springs, Michigan Outhouse
Notice the Unusual Vent in this Outhouse

Photo by R. Loose
Used by permission
Another Harbor Springs, Michigan Outhouse; Notice the vent in the roof to aid in lighting
Another Harbor Springs, Michigan Outhouse;
Notice the vent in the roof to aid in lighting

Photo by R. Loose
Used by permission

  While on a little side trip one weekend, this person was driving on some country roads near Harbor Springs, Michigan and happened to catch a glimpse of what she thought was an Outhouse. After doing a U-ee in the road, the outhouses you see above came into view. The pictures turned out a bit dark but you can get a good idea of the construction techniques used. Each outhouse has an unusual vent set up. The brown outhouse contains a round hole in the back for ventilation while the green outhouse has louvers in the front part of the roof. Those look to me like they are intended to aid in the lighting in some way.

    What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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This Home Page was created on November 30, 2001
Most recent revision November 30, 2001