Hunting Camp Outhouse with Satellite TV
in Jump River, Wisconsin
Caught with the pants down during hunting season!
Nothing worse during deer season
than to have your pants down
when a deer walks by!

Photo by P. Strombeck
Used by permission

   Not wanting to be out done by the neighbors, this owner added space age technology to the privy at his hunting camp just to get 'em talkin'. The construction technique used to build the outhouse is just board on board with polystyrene insulation lining. The owner ran power to it for a heat lamp. You know; the kind that keeps the burgers warm at the local Micky D's. According to the owner, it makes the Outhouse nice and comfy. Due to poor drainage the hole is only 5 foot deep requiring the privy to be moved often. Actually, they never hooked up the dish but just had fun with it. You should see the looks on the neighbors when someone is in the Outhouse for a half hour! The owner understands some Primestar people made a Xmas card from the photo. They sponsored the owner's Bass Fishing Team for two seasons so the owner thought a little promo would be fun. This camp is in the big woods 30 miles north of Jump River, Wisconsin.

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This Home Page was created on November 30, 2001
Most recent revision November 30, 2001