PC or Laptop Help

PC and Laptop Training and Evaluation

  • Slow Laptop: Is your PC or Laptop slow?
  • Privacy: Do you think you have a malware infection?
  • Eliminate Spyware: Are pop ups appearing all the time?
  • Computer Training: Do you just plain need some tutoring or guidance?
  • Privacy: Is your home or business network private and secure?
  • Backups: Do you have pictures or files that you don’t want to lose?

These are issues we all have if we use a PC or Laptop running Windows.  Let us help you get over your frustrations. We have over 30 years dealing with computers and operating systems.

Let us help you figure out what is going on with your computer. We don’t think you will be unhappy because we won’t stop until both of us agree it’s no longer worth it. We mainly specialize in Windows 7, 8 and 10.

Losing data is one of the biggest concerns you should have. We can back up your data and store your backup off-site to stop you from worrying about losing priceless pictures and files. Send us an inquiry using the Contact Us form.

We are located in the Bloomfield Hills, Michigan area and can service a 25 mile range.

  • Voice Mail / FAX: (206) 984-9538
  • Voice: (747) 999-5537

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